This series is a consequence of the many many wedding invitations we have received in the last fortnight for the coming months! The wedding season is j-uuust round the corner and whether you are the lucky bride-to be or an anxious bridesmaid looking for the perfect dress or the best friend looking to tuck in those love handles, THIS series is for you. All the diets, workouts and tips given in this series are tested. By us,ofcourse! So be assured that we have done ALL of this before you, unless mentioned, and seen the results and our bodies are still sore!But we're all pumped to show you how to feel sooo fabulous :)
Beginning with simple things first, The cleanses. A cleanse is typically done in order to remove toxins from your body and should be followed from 3days to about 7 days. There are cleanses for upto a month too :O
But seriously, we think your body will need nutrition after 3 days since you will be working out too!
So here's our favourite cleanse, which you can combine with steamed vegeables/fruits incase you feel hungry the first day. You can also include soups, broth and home-made fresh juices in order to ease your system into the cleansing routine. And drink lots of water in order to help your system flush the toxins better.Very importantly, please do not confuse the master cleanse to a diet program or stay only on the cleanse if you feel too weak. The idea is to eliminate processed food, meat and dairy and include liquids which help clean your body. But typically it involves drinking of the following concoction as many times as you want:
- 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice.
- 2 tablespoons grade-B organic maple syrup.
- 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper.
- 10 ounces filtered water.
You can also drink green tea/chamomile tea/jasmine tea or any other laxative tea for dinner. Please do not confuse this program to a diet plan. We suggest you keep a normal intake of the foods the following foods during the day(except dinner) too:
-Fruits/Steamed Vegetable
-Freshly made juices
Though many people have stated that the master cleanse helps drop weight if done for a more than 2 weeks (Beyonce is reportedly known to have lost 20 pounds through this "lemonade diet"), we believe that if done without any of the above food supplements for over 7 days, the cleanse will remove lean muscles and liquid from your body rather than the fat which you want to lose.
Start with the cleanse and within the next 3 days we will teach you how to get back into regular food as well as workout plans for that wedding that is juust round the corner!
Till then, Happy Cleansing!